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Last updated: 3/09/06
download... ValleY
CTF, ATG Bomb, CooP
Download: Minh_ValleY.zip [4.33Mb]
Our latest map is a small valley deep in Minh territory. There are ruins, herb patches, old logs & loads of other shrubs & bushes - some real sneaky hideouts. Features the sneakiest tunnel ever and CTF, ATG Bomb & CooP game modes.
download... CourtYard
Download: Minh_CourtYard.zip [1.98Mb]
CourtYard is decpetive. At first glance it looks like a simple map but have a funwar on this map & things instantly change! There's balconies, rooftops, archways, stairs & more angles than you can shake a stick at. CTF & ATG modes ensure maximum playablity.
download... Storm
CooP (for VC)
Download: Minh_Storm.zip [5.7Mb] {see ++ special note at bottom - download script files}
This map is back to the same "COOP for VC" game type as Outpost & Snipers. However the difference is this map was specially made to help clans train for the official Storm map. Use this along with the normal StormCOOP and your squad will be up to speed within hours. Up to 12 players.
download... WallHack
Download: Minh_WallHack.zip [2.2Mb]
WallHack is a peek into the world of the cheaters.... the only difference is cheaters wont be able to cheat! Yes its time to disable your wallhacks & aimbots as they wont really help you here. Sink into this world of invisible walls & practice your hipshot or nading skills. Recommended play: with as many as possible!!!
download... Holes
Download: Minh_Holes.zip [3Mb]
Minh Holes is a simple but bizzarre. Our mappers needed to re-discover their StudioMax skills & chose this strangely bare map to do so. Beware the holes of death... don't even bother trying to skip across the broken pathway - you'll be PWNed as you concentrate on getting your jumps right!
download... Xmas
Download: Minh_Xmas.zip [5.95Mb]
This Minh Xmas map is another crazy offering of totally custom madness. Sadly the snowmen could not be included due to a glitch when we shot them in the head. Careful in the water - it's freezing!!!! This map holds up to 30 players & we recommend you play with as many as possible - perfect for that xmas clan party!
download... Relics
Download: Minh_Relics.zip [4.56Mb]
This map is another totally custom job. Some say it feels like a combination of 3SF-City & AZTEC with blue walls. We just say its a darn good dustup / training map. Watch out for the funky little sewage pipe shortcut & campers round every corner! This map holds up to 30 players & we recommend you play with as many as possible on this cheeky nerve-bender!
Demo footage...
download... Shrine
Download: Minh_Shrine.zip [10Mb]
Minh Shrine features 4 different game types & a beautifully clean lanscape with cover spread about the map. There's a windmill, long waterfall, Waterwheel, the Shrine, and much more in this valley shootout. Careful on the COOP mode - if you're brave enough to try it without snipers!
download... Coast
Download: Minh_Coast.zip [8.7Mb]
This map features a brand new coastline complex with buildings, boxes & palm trees. Swim the treacherous waters at your peril or find the hidden sniper points but look out for the enemy - do doubt advancing right under your noses! Another killer map from the Minh Mappers. 4-16 players recommended.
download... Lagoon
Download: Minh_Lagoon.zip [4.08Mb]
What can we say? - Another cool map by our chief mappers Cub & Tears!. Lagoon has a great feel to it. Set in a small clearing in the jungle& has a nice combo of landscape & objects. Once again, the carnage is just around the corner as each side races to score that flag! Holds a maximum of 30 players, 2-18 players recommended.
Demo footage...
download... Dizzy
Download: Minh_Dizzy.zip [1.5Mb]
Ok and now for something small, but endless, narrow but with depth and totally dizzifying!. Dizzy is the awesome offering from the Minh Mappers... watch your back, watch your front but if you don't stop moving once in a while, you're donna feel the dizzy spin!. This is another one of those carnage-bringing CTF dustups - 4-16 players recommended.
Demo footage...
download... Sewers
Download: Minh_Sewers.zip [3.4Mb]
This map features another collaboration of Minh skills - set in the dingy dark sewers beneath our training camp. The US have discovered us. Time to hunt them down while trying to ignore the scurrying rats, dead bodies & low level lighting. Originally inspired by DustBall, the tube like dustup that is pure carnage-in-a-bottle, Sewers is a small but tricky CTF cruncher. Works best with 2-12 players.
download... Castle
Download: Minh_Castle.zip [6.87Mb]
Tears of Minh has been locked in his bunker for many long nights chipping away at a new Minh map! Castle is a fantastic blend of custom objects... battlements, maze-like approach & plenty of low cover elements. This is a great map for flag runners, sharp-shooters & tactical campers alike. Best enjoyed with 6-24 players but can accomodate up to 35 players - CTF and ATG.
download... Creek
Download: Minh_Creek.zip [4.11Mb]
Tears showed us this re-vamped map of his & we liked it instantly. Its deceptively small but great training for all kinds of tactics. Plenty of scope for boobys, nades, running & shooting & general target practice. Also plenty of space for players... Up to 30 players and playabe in CTF and ATG.
Demo footage...
download... Storage
Download: Minh_Storage.zip [3.62Mb]
Ok this is a close quarters shoot out - just a small room full of shelves and boxes. But it can get pretty intense very quickly, and watch the nades!!! Up to 30 players and playabe in CTF and ATG.
Demo footage...
download... Lanes
Download: Minh_Lanes.zip [4.03Mb]
Our classic shooting range modified into a twin level CTF or DM dustup. Ride the lanes or take the diagonal tunnels in another cement block style map - excellent training for both long distance sharp-shooters as well as close quarter quickfights! Best enjoyed with 4-16 players.
Demo footage...
download... Lighthouse
Download: Minh_LightHouse.zip [2.1Mb]
This custom map is a brain bending vertical dustup. Set in the cylinder of a lighthouse this is gonna be weird but try it out if you dare. Find the ways to get to the top without getting dusted, capture that flag & keep scoring till you get picked off! A camper at the top will not last long so don't bother... just rip it up & have fun! Works best with 6-12 players.
Demo footage...
download... Snipers
CooP (for VC)
Download: Minh_Snipers.zip [4.25Mb] {see ++ special note at bottom - download script files}
Based on the 'Radio Relay' map from the original Viecong campaign.
This version pits you (VC side) against over 40 US (AI) players in a fight to the death. You'll face your old buddies, Crocker, Bronson, Defort etc as you clear the hill... great sniper practice (they move quick) as well as some smash & push needed as you near the summit to kill the last stragglers. For 1-6 players.
[ *** BUG ALERT: but possible solution... see bottom *** ]
download... Crate Carnage
Download: MinhCrateCarnage.zip [0.2Mb]
Anyone remember the insanity of .Mini.? Well we liked that idea so we expanded on it - just a little. It's still CTF but you know how it can get when everyone is just a little TOO close for comfort.... yes... CARNAGE!!! Funny how the creator of .mini. ended up in this clan! 2-10 players recommended.
download... NVA Base
Download: Minh_NVAbase.zip [4.4Mb]
* An NVA Base Coop map with deeply entrenched VC positions, and they can shoot straight! This map is only for hardcore US players! Face the music against 55 VC opponents... If you can kill all VC without dying once you are a US special forces champion!!! For 1-6 players.
[ *** BUG ALERT: but possible solution... see bottom *** ]
download... Maze {Updated 20/7/05!}
Download: MinhMaze.zip [0.7Mb]
Our personal favourite.. a compact but sneaky map. The same level of intensity as [3SF] 'City' but with less space for nades & very little camping potential. Maze is designed to help you hone your reaction time, smash-grab-run skills. Get your jumps & your route right & you can score in under 20 seconds!! Best enjoyed with 2-14 players.
Demo footage...
download... Skyways
Download: Minh_Skyways.zip [0.3Mb]
An original map loosely based on the '[3SF] Space' map. Much smaller, quicker and with little camping potential. Fight to keep your balance or fall to your certain doom. Have fun on the quick slide down to the enemy flag but watch out for sharp shooters! There is also a scaled up version of this map for players who want to practice "snipe & run" tactics. 2-12 players recommended.
download... Outpost
CooP (for VC)
Download: Minh_Outpost.zip [1.78Mb] {see ++ special note at bottom - download script files}
Based on the 'Outpost' map from the original Viecong campaign. This version pits you (VC side) against over 40 US (AI) players. You'll face your old buddies, Crocker, Bronson, Defort etc as you clear the hill... watch out for exploding boxes and US naders. Good sniper practice but also a decisive push needed to penetrate the inside of the to get the remaining US. For 1-6 players.
[ *** BUG ALERT: but possible solution... see bottom *** ]
Demo footage...
download... Training part 1
Download: Minh_Training.zip [0.2Mb]
The basic training map with some extra bits. Small but fast with a fair bit of cover. Four unique flag-run routes - so no 50/50!! A strange collection of extra objects & buildings & watch out for exploding or flaming boxes - yes when you get burned it HURTS! 2-16 players recommended.
~~~~~~~~~~WATCH THIS SPACE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Maps we are working on currently are coming soon:

* A fortified version of Halong port CTF. The VC have secured & transformed this map - no more easy US camping!
* Baghdad Bunker is our new desert / urban CTF map set in Iraq. The VC have come to town but we need a little more time to develop this one as some of our new Mapper members are keen to get involved!
* Waterfight is an idea that involves alot of water! - We're knocking ideas around about this still, so if you have any suggestions then let us know!

*** BUG ALERT: We are not 100% sure but we believe we have a fix for this bug: Sometimes when people load map, as they are about to choose a class they are kicked... Hrabda cheating #133 &#143. If you are kicked when trying to join, just turn off your IRC (VC voice chat) option & try re-joining the map. This should fix the problem. We think this could be a small bug in the VC Coop script that is used & we have emailed Pterodon to check. Also Minh_NVABase will not let you join if you run a NOCD patch. We believe all our COOP maps require Fist Alpha.
Thanks to players John Crichton & *nephilim* who may have helped to fix this!

++ Special note: if you want to play this map on your own server: there are additional script files required for the AI players. If you are missing the AI players you need to follow the instructions in the readme file in each scripts download. The scripts download link appears inside the green curly brackets next to the map.
Contact: email Clan of Minh ~ or you can join our Forum & discuss our maps here.